Saturday, April 26, 2014

Good Intentions

My original intentions were to make this sort of a how to blog for Linux technologies; however, all I seem to want to write about are the ways technology impact lives, the relationships between real and virtual worlds, and my curiosity.  While some of that may be interesting, most tech gurus read to learn.  Unfortunately at this point in time our lives are finite and my opinions on technology sometimes may not be logical or relevant.  With that being said….let the learning begin!

Monday, March 17, 2014


Recently I was asked about ports and it made me realize how little I knew about them….not only that but what I did know I wasn't exactly confident about.  In Linux there are 65536 standard ports.  This is actually a packet limitation not Linux.   Within a packet there is a space allocated for Source Port and Destination Port each space is 16 bit.  So the result is 2^16 = 65536 or 0 through 65535.  So that means there are 65536 places for a remote application to communicate.  Now it is important to note these are not physical ports, they are 100% software and are bound by the limitations of the protocols that utilize them (Primarily UDP/TCP).  The physical component would be the network interface card better known as a NIC.  Each NIC can have one or more physical ports associated with it….not to be confused with the software ports previously mentioned.
So…why all the fuss over ports?
Well the questions I was asked involved port limitations.  For instance can more than one connection exist on a port at any given time? 
I guess to start with it is important to realize that a port is nothing more than a construct with which an application can utilize for a specific type of communication.   Can a physical port receive more than one packet at a time?  No.  So how can a software port maintain more than one connection?  See this is where things get interesting….because while we like to think of a port as a place to dock and stay a while it really isn't.  It is more or less just a number with which an application binds to in order to receive packets…a filtering mechanism more or less for network traffic at the application layer.
So how are connections made then?  The socket!  A socket is a connection between two sources usually defined by the source IP/Port and destination IP/Port.  In the client server model typically the server listens on a specific port for incoming connections while the client picks from a range of ports to connect with.
Server A:
So CLIENT A has two connections to the server identified as:
Connection 1:
Connection 2:
And CLIENT B has one connection as:
Connection 1:

So can a port have multiple connections at the same time?  Yes.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Simple Stuff

Every so often I will stumble across a new command that is incredibly useful or just really cool.  It is in those moments I realize how little I actually know about this operating system and how incredibly powerful it actually is.   Linux is easily molded into whatever we need it to be.  If you break it down and learn the tools used to model it you can literally get it to do pretty much anything.  Obviously there are going to be computational limitations, but within those limits the capabilities are still quite amazing.
So let’s start with a simple command. 
[myprompt]$ ls
The ls command allows a user to list the contents of a directory.  A simple command by itself, but when coupled with other scripting commands you begin to create dynamic tools within scripts.
For instance let’s say the linux machine is used for maintaining characters.  Each character has configuration data associated with it.   We will give each character configuration a name in the form of <CharacterName>.chcfg
We have a program that creates deletes and stores these files in /Data/Characters directory.  Let’s say we have another program that needs to list all the characters.  This is one method:

##Char list script
MY_CHARACTERS=(  `ls ${ CHAR_CONF_DIR}\*.chcfg`   )
echo ${ MY_CHARACTERS[@]}

MY_CHARACTERS is a bash array.  The bash array just stores each individual .chcfg file within one variable. The ls command allowed us to easily access the .chcfg data and store it into the variable.  So now each time we add or remove a .chcfg file and run the script it will automatically update the MY_CHARACTERS variable without any modifications to the script.